1. National experience in implementing multilingual education in Kazakhstan | 133
1. National experience in implementing multilingual
education in Kazakhstan
1.1. State policy
The idea of trinity of languages in Kazakhstan was initially sug-
gested by the President in 2004 at the third convocation Parliament’s
Mazhilis session [40]
• In 2006, at the XII’s session of the Assembly of people of Kazakh-
stan the nation Leader noted that knowing at least three languages is
important for the future of the country [41]
• In 2007, gradual implementation of the “Trinity of languages” cul-
tural project was suggested in Presidential Address “New Kazakhstan
in a new world” through attracting foreign English teachers to teach in
schools. Since that moment, gradual implementation of trilingual edu-
cation has begun [42]
• Address of 2011 announced that no less than 20% of Kazakhstan’s
population should be proficient in English by 2020 [43]
• In 2012, the need for modernization of Kazakh language as well as
maintaining Russian as a historic advantage of our nation and making a
breakthrough in learning English were noted in the Address on “Socio-
economic modernization as the main vector of development of Kazakh-
stan” [44]
• In 2014, the Address on “Kazakhstan’s way – 2050” noted that
school graduates must know Kazakh, Russian and English [45]
• In 2015, at the XXII session of the Assembly of people of Kazakh-
stan, the President pointed out that Literature, History and culture of
Kazakhstan should be learned in Kazakh, Science subjects in English,
and Russian should be learned as a language subject [46]
• One of the main goals of step 79 in the Nation’s plan “100 concrete
steps” is gradual transition to English as a language of instruction,
which will be implemented in high schools and universities [47]
134 | 1. National experience in implementing multilingual education in Kazakhstan
1.2. Research and development
Within the “Trinity of languages” cultural project a number of the-
ses and research projects are conducted in multilingual education
through grant financing [48]
• In 2008, KarSU developed a “Framework of multilingual education
development in Kazakhstan”. The Framework includes regulatory, the-
oretical, methodological, scientific, and teaching and learning support
for multilingual education and stages of its implementation. The docu-
ment is focused on the first stage of trilingual education implementation
• In 2010, KazUIR&WL developed a “Framework of language educa-
tion in the Republic of Kazakhstan” which presents a national multi-
stage model of trilingual education. The model provides for “language”
and “foreign language” education. Language education implies acquir-
ing Kazakh and Russian languages as L1 and L2, whereas foreign lan-
guage education means acquiring English as a foreign language. A dis-
tinctive feature of the framework is the range of language proficiency
levels presented for secondary, higher and graduate education [50]
• KazUIR&WL also developed the State Compulsory Standard for
Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Higher education: languages
of the trinity (Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages)” as a conceptual
background for language education. The standard may be used when
developing content requirements, amount of workload and level of un-
dergraduates in Kazakh, Russian and English in language and non-
language majors [51]
• In 2010, S. Kunanbayeva published a textbook “Theory and prac-
tice of modern foreign language education”. The author presented so-
cio-historical conditions for the development of methods of teaching
foreign languages and modern methodology and theory of foreign lan-
guage education [52]
• In 2014, the NAE monitored schools piloting trilingual education. It
covered 33 pilot schools, BIL and NIS. According to the monitoring re-
1. National experience in implementing multilingual education in Kazakhstan | 135
sults, the majority of pilot schools students demonstrated A1 to B1 level
of English proficiency [53]
• In 2014, NUGSE published the “Development of strategic direc-
tions of education reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2020”
report. The document reflects on the issues in trilingual education im-
plementation: lack of common definition of “trilingualism” and “trilin-
gual education” concepts; insufficient study of international experience
in trilingual education implementation; lack of awareness and false un-
derstanding among population about trilingual education; vague defini-
tion of Kazakh, Russian and English proficiency levels to be achieved by
the learners; discrepancies between goals of trilingual education pro-
grams and the system of language proficiency assessment; weak collab-
oration among stakeholders engaged in the implementation of trilingual
education. According to this document, collective solution to these is-
sues will contribute to successful trilingual education implementation
• Research mentioned earlier established scientific and theoretical
platform for language learning and is a foundation for trilingual educa-
tion development
• Further implementation of trilingual education requires the devel-
opment of research and methodological foundation in regards to align-
ing trilingual education terminology, modifying methodological sup-
port in relation to CLIL and CBI, conducting systematic qualitative and
quantitative research in order to improve the process of implementing
trilingual education
1.3. Trilingual education pilot schools
In Kazakhstan, trilingual education is implemented in 3 experi-
mental schools platforms: 33 “Daryn” schools, 20 NIS and 30 BIL [34]
• 20 NIS and 30 BIL implement the strong model of multilingual ed-
ucation, when three languages are used as languages of instruction
• NIS in Kokshetau and Taldykorgan implement early immersion in-
to Kazakh language. Children not proficient in Kazakh are taught in
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